News & Press Releases
Webinar: ‘Show me the code’

Explore the technical intricacies of the BSV blockchain in a recent webinar by TSC members James Belding and Jack Davies. Discover key implementations, developer services, and valuable tools within the BSV ecosystem.

How the TSC drives collaboration for Blockchain standards

The Technical Standards Committee (TSC) plays a pivotal role in the BSV Blockchain Association’s mission to enhance interoperability across the entire blockchain ecosystem. As part of the committee, volunteers with a proven track record and experience in working with the BSV Blockchain work diligently to create and provide standards that serve as valuable tools for […]

Collaborating with the BSV Ecosystem – Introducing the three new members of the Technical Standards Committee

The Technical Standards Committee (TSC) of the BSV Blockchain Association plays a crucial role in developing and implementing technical standards that promote interoperability and innovation in the BSV ecosystem. Recently, the TSC expanded its team with the appointment of three highly qualified individuals: Jack Davies, Senior Strategy Manager at nChain, Marcin Dyba, Co-Founder and CEO […]

Getting Bitcoin Business Ready – a Bitcoin Builder’s Perspective

As part of the Member Election Campaign of the Technical Standards Committee, we spoke to Committee Member, Lin Zheming. Read more to learn about DotWallet, BSV Mining in China and about the work in the TSC.

Industry insight from a Venture Capital Perspective 

The TSC is seeking up to four new members. To help you gauge whether you might be a good candidate, we take this opportunity to introduce you to Alex Fauvel, a founding member who is currently up for re-election.

Calling All Technical Experts: The Technical Standards Committee Seeks Up to Four New Members

The TSC is looking for up to four individuals to join its committee. This is an exciting opportunity for passionate individuals to join a high-standard international committee and make impactful contributions to the BSV ecosystem. 

How the Paymail protocol improves the Bitcoin SV user experience

Xiaohui Liu, Founder and CEO at sCrypt, outlines how Paymail helps improve the user experience and why it’s a good fit for some businesses working on the BSV blockchain.

The benefits of participating in the technical standards programme

From newly elected to founding members and contributors of the Technical Standards Committee (TSC) for Bitcoin SV, discover why these five blockchain entrepreneurs consider their contribution to the TSC a worthwhile investment.

Angus Brown to improve collaboration and make TSC more accessible as new Chair

Bitcoin Association is pleased to announce Angus Brown as the new Chair of the Technical Standards Committee.

FATF ‘Travel Rule’ Survey

The TSC conducted a survey in May 2022 to test attitudes towards the ‘Travel Rule’. Angus Brown member of the TSC and sponsor of the ‘Travel Rule’ standard share the survey conclusions.

How BSV standards enhance profitability, growth, sustainability of businesses, and the BSV ecosystem

To give you insight into how the Bitcoin SV technical standards programme contributes to the profitability, growth, and sustainability of the entire ecosystem, we spoke to five TSC members and technical standards programme contributors.

How technical standards advance the blockchain industry

What inspires developers, business owners and executives to participate in the Technical Standards Programme? We spoke to five TSC members and technical standards programme contributors to gain insight into the value they see in the programme.

Become a Contributor
Get involved if you wish to join us on this mission to make BSV the public blockchain of choice. We look forward to having you on board.