
Bitcoin SV Technical Standards: Roadmap for an interoperable blockchain future

In this session at CoinGeek Zurich, Bitcoin SV Technical Standards Committee (TSC) chair Steve Shadders and founding member Alex Fauvel discuss the role of the TSC and the committee’s roadmap for 2021-2023.

Alex Fauvel speaking at at Zurich conference with BSV technical standard logo
Bitcoin SV Technical Standards: Roadmap for an interoperable blockchain future

In this session at CoinGeek Zurich, Bitcoin SV Technical Standards Committee (TSC) chair Steve Shadders and founding member Alex Fauvel discuss the role of the TSC and the committee’s roadmap for 2021-2023.

Webinar Bitcoin SV technical standards logo in rectangular shape
Webinar recording | BSV: The benefits of becoming a TSC working group participant

Watch previous working group participants of the BitcoinSV technical standards programme talk about the benefits working towards the development of BSV blockchain standards

Steve shadders
Benefits of participating in the public review process

Learn more about the the benefits of participating in the public review process for the #BitcoinSV Technical Standards from Steve Shadders, chair of the Bitcoin SV Technical Standards Committee and CTO of nChain.

introduction to bitcoin sv technical standards webinar
Introducing Bitcoin SV Technical Standards – TSC Webinar

The introductory webinar on Bitcoin SV Technical Standards and the Technical Standards Committee (TSC) took place on April 21, 2021. Committee members covered the role of the Technical Standards Committee (TSC) within the Bitcoin SV ecosystem, and what it aims to achieve. They walked us through the standardisation process – including how both businesses and […]

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