Quarterly Reports | Q1 2021
By Technical Standards Committee
Published: April 21, 2021
BSV Technical standard quarterly report on blue background

In the first quarter of 2021, the Bitcoin SV Technical Standards Committee (TSC) reached the major ‘open for business’ milestone.

With the groundwork for the Bitcoin SV Technical Standards programme finalised and now largely in place, the TSC turns its attention to raising awareness of what the TSC can offer to businesses operating on Bitcoin SV, as well as continuing to raise participation levels in TSC activities. Central to these efforts is the draft Bitcoin SV Technical Standards roadmap for 2021-23, which has been opened up to community participation and consultation through Q2.

The TSC will further ramp up its marketing activities in Q2 with the launch of TSC newsletters and a new webinar series, both designed to encourage further participation and engagement with the TSC and its activities, as we work towards our ultimate aim of promoting technical excellence and improving Bitcoin SV utility by enhancing interoperability through standardisation.

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