Lizette Louw
Why your public review of BSV blockchain standards is essential

Project Coordinator for the Bitcoin SV Technical Standards Committee Julie Gaudreau, spoke to Shadders to clarify what the public review part of the TSC’s process entails.

How the Paymail standard will affect Bitcoin wallets and service providers

In this edition of our TTDR blog, we spoke to internal reviewer Darren Kellenschwiler about the first version of the Paymail standardised format and how you can get involved in shaping the outcome of this and future versions of the standard.

What the FATF’s travel rule will mean for Bitcoin intermediaries and consumers

How are Bitcoin consumers and intermediaries likely to be impacted by the Travel Rule? We invited Centbee co-founder and TSC member Angus Brown to address the herd of elephants in the room in this edition of our TTDR blog.

How the Bitcoin SV envelope specification makes it easier to store and access on-chain data

In this edition of the TTDR blog, James Belding, CEO of Tokenized and TSC sponsor of the proposed envelope specification, details the proposed protocol and explains the implications of its standardisation on the BSV ecosystem.

How the Merkle proof standard can improve your Bitcoin payment service

Centbee co-founder and CEO Lorien Gamaroff explains which payment processors should use the Merkle proof standard and how it can add value to their business.

Standardisation is a community affair

The TSC is calling on you to help set the agenda for Bitcoin SV’s Technical Standards Roadmap 2021-23. To help you cut through the tech talk and get straight to the opportunities it offers for your business, The Hopper’s James McLeod shares his own experiences contributing to the drafting of the roadmap.

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